The rapid spread of COVID-19 caused a significant impact on many sectors, including the energy demand in building due to the quarantine. This paper overviews the impact of the restriction's measures caused by the spread of COVID 19 on energy consumption in a residential building for three building constructions under six climatic conditions referring to the representative zones of the recent Moroccan climatic zoning. The three-building constructions are Reference House without any passive energy efficiency, Insulation House equipped with thermal insulation in external wall and roof and PCM House equipped with PCM (Phase Change Materials). The three houses are simulated by means of dynamic simulation using TRNSYS software. The quarantine in which the occupants have to stay all-time at home is compared to an ordinary occupancy scenario in terms of energy demand to reach the desired thermal comfort. The major finding of this work is that quarantine can significantly impact the cooling loads than the heating demand depending on building constructions and climatic conditions. The rising-rate in annual energy needs is the range of 10 %-35 %. The impact of the number of occupants is also investigated in respect to the two occupancy scenarios, the three-building constructions and under the six climatic conditions. The results show that when increasing the number of the inhabitants from 2 to 4, under the quarantine period, the energy demand of the PCM house is increased to 50 % depending on the climatic zones.
Keywords: COVID-19 lockdown; COVID-19, Coronavirus disease; Energy consumption; IEA, International Energy Agency; PCM, Phase Change Materials; Phase Change Materials; RTCM, Règlement Thermique de Construction au Maroc; Residential building; WHO, World Health Organization; Z, Zone; g, Gain; inf, Infiltration; surf, Surface; vent, ventilation.
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