Role of extended coupling in bidirectional transport system

Phys Rev E. 2022 Jul;106(1-1):014120. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.014120.


Motivated by vehicular traffic phenomena, we study a bidirectional two-lane open totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with extended symmetric coupling conditions in the presence of Langmuir kinetics. The phase diagrams and density profiles are calculated utilizing mean-field theory for different lane-changing rates and are found to be in a good match with Monte Carlo simulation results. It has been observed that the qualitative topology of phase diagrams depends on the lane-switching rate significantly, resulting in nonmonotonic variations in the number of steady-state phases. The proposed model provides various mixed phases leading to bulk induced phase transitions. The interplay between bidirectional movement, extended coupling conditions, and Langmuir kinetics produces unusual phenomena, including a back-and-forth phase transition and partial phase division of the shock region for comparatively smaller values of the lane-changing rate. Moreover, we analyze the shock dynamics and calculate critical values for the lane-changing rate at which the phases appear or disappear.