General objective: To evaluate the accuracy and validity of images with smartphone compared to the RetCam® system for the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
Methodology: Observational, longitudinal and masked study carried out at the Dr. Elías Santana hospital. Infants with birth weight ≤1500 g, gestational age ≤30 weeks and/or patients exposed to risk factors or complications linked to ROP were included. These subjects were screened using images with smartphone or RetCam®, both compared to conventional fundoscopy. The ICROP classification was used for staging. The main results analyzed were sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and kappa index.
Results: 915 images (n = 121) were obtained, distributed in smartphone group (50.4%) and RetCam® group (49.6%) between August 2020 and March 2021. Subjects with ROP had lower gestational age (30.2 sem ± 2.8), birth weight (1361 g ± 398), and greater exposure to oxygen therapy (12.8 days ± 11.3). The RetCam® group presented sensitivity = 80%, specificity = 78%, positive predictive value = 90% and kappa index = 0.70. The smartphone group presented sensitivity = 88%, specificity = 90%, positive predictive value = 93.75% and kappa index = 0.81.
Conclusions: Both diagnostic methods were accurate to identify ROP. The smartphone group obtained superior results with excellent resolution, representing a cost-effective method to create a global impact on reducing preventable blindness in the pediatric population.
Keywords: 3D printing; Impresión 3D; Retinopathy of prematurity; Retinopatía del prematuro; Smartphone; Telemedicina; Telemedicine; Teléfono inteligente.
Copyright © 2022 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.