Neurotoxicity of an isolated fraction (V) of the venom from the snake Agkistrodon halys (Pallas) was studied on the crayfish stretch receptor using a two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. The toxin was previously shown to have less phospholipase A2 activity but to be more toxic in mice compared with bee venom phospholipase A2. At 5 micrograms ml-1 (0.35 microM) the AgTx had very little effects on the electrophysiological properties of the receptor neuron whereas at 50 micrograms ml-1 (3.5 microM) the leak conductance was increased about three times and the net outward (K) current was reduced to 70% of control. The net inward (Na) current was not affected except for a small (+ 10 mV) shift in the I-V relationship. The resting membrane potential and the membrane capacitance were not changed by AgTx. These effects of AgTx were similar to those seen after exposure to bee venom phospholipase A2 at concentrations 10-20 times lower. At concentrations of AgTx which presynaptically affect the frog neuromuscular transmission (5-10 micrograms ml-1) the effects on ion channels in the stretch receptor neuron are very small and probably reflect the low phospholipase A2 activity compared with that of bee venom phospholipase A2.