Pathogen and host genetics were used to uncover an inverse gene-for-gene interaction where virulence genes from the pathogen Pyrenophora teres f. maculata target barley susceptibility genes, resulting in disease. Although models have been proposed to broadly explain how plants and pathogens interact and coevolve, each interaction evolves independently, resulting in various scenarios of host manipulation and plant defense. Spot form net blotch is a foliar disease of barley caused by Pyrenophora teres f. maculata. We developed a barley population (Hockett × PI 67381) segregating for resistance to a diverse set of P. teres f. maculata isolates. Quantitative trait locus analysis identified major loci on barley chromosomes (Chr) 2H and 7H associated with resistance/susceptibility. Subsequently, we used avirulent and virulent P. teres f. maculata isolates to develop a pathogen population, identifying two major virulence loci located on Chr1 and Chr2. To further characterize this host-pathogen interaction, progeny from the pathogen population harboring virulence alleles at either the Chr1 or Chr2 locus was phenotyped on the Hockett × PI 67381 population. Progeny harboring only the Chr1 virulence allele lost the barley Chr7H association but maintained the 2H association. Conversely, isolates harboring only the Chr2 virulence allele lost the barley Chr2H association but maintained the 7H association. Hockett × PI 67381 F2 individuals showed susceptible/resistant ratios not significantly different than 15:1 and results from F2 inoculations using the single virulence genotypes were not significantly different from a 3:1 (S:R) ratio, indicating two dominant susceptibility genes. Collectively, this work shows that P. teres f. maculata virulence alleles at the Chr1 and Chr2 loci are targeting the barley 2H and 7H susceptibility alleles in an inverse gene-for-gene manner to facilitate colonization.
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