Vulvar cancer is a rare gynecological malignancy since it represents 4% of all cancers of the female genital tract. The most common histological type is squamous cell carcinoma (90%). This type can be classified into two clinicopathological subtypes according to the etiology. The first subtype is associated with persistent human papillomavirus infection and is usually diagnosed in younger women. The second subtype is associated with lichen sclerosus condition, and in most cases is diagnosed in postmenopausal women. Currently, an increase in first subtype cases has been observed, which raised the concern about associated mortality and treatment morbidity among young women. Vulvar cancer treatment depends on histopathology grade and staging, but surgery with or without radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment is considered the gold standard. In recent decades, sentinel lymph node biopsy has been incorporated as part of the treatment. Therefore, we sought to review and discuss the advances documented in the literature about vulvar cancer focusing on the treatment of early-stage disease. Relevant articles, such as the GROINS-V studies and the GOG protocols, are presented in this review. Additionally, we discuss key points such as the evolution of treatment from invasive surgery with high morbidity, to more conservative approaches without compromising oncologic safety; the role of sentinel lymph node mapping in the initial staging, since it reduces the complications caused by inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy; the recurrences rates, since local recurrence is common and curable, however, groin-associated, or distant recurrences have a poor prognosis; and, finally, the long-term follow-up that is essential for all patients.
Keywords: diagnosis and staging; sentinel lymph node; vulvar cancer; vulvar neoplasms.