Background: The evolving opinions of our community members provide insights into how end-users perceive the value and identify key point-of-care test (POCT) characteristics.
Methods: We deployed our validated 45-item English-language survey to uncompensated volunteers and compared the results from 1264 respondents in 2021 with those obtained in 2020.
Results: Average responses for items regarding the benefits of POCTs demonstrated that the 2021 respondents indicated agreement with all 14 potential benefits. Average responses for items regarding concerns were distinctly different from those for benefits. The only concern item that scored in the agree range was "not having insurance coverage for POCTs." Average responses to the other 13 concern items were in the disagree range. For 8 of these items, the magnitude of disagreement was greater in the 2021 survey than was observed for the 2020 survey. Differences in POCT exposure over time and by US regions suggest that higher levels of exposure to POCTs in the East are associated with stronger public support.
Conclusions: Community members strongly support the development of accurate, convenient, easy-to-use, affordable, equitably available, in-home POCTs that produce immediate results. This empowers patients and home caregivers to diagnose, manage, enhance their adherence to medical treatments, and more efficiently engage their physicians.
Keywords: laboratory testing; medical devices; point of care technologies.
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