Background: Anti-reflux mucosal intervention (ARMI), including anti-reflux mucosectomy (ARMS) and anti-reflux mucosal ablation (ARMA), is a promising endoscopic treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Few studies reported a detailed analysis of the objective reflux parameters.
Methods: Patients with chronic PPI-dependent GERD and receiving ARMI were prospectively enrolled. Comprehensive clinical symptom profiles, endoscopy results, and 24-h multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH (MII-pH) monitoring were collected and analyzed before and 3 months after ARMI.
Results: Twenty-three patients undergoing ARMI (11 ARMS and 12 ARMA) were enrolled. The median (IQR) operative time and post-procedure stays were 50 (46-56) min and 2 (2-2) days without major complications. 73.9% of patients reported subjective global improvement. A significant decrease in the total reflux symptom index score was noted from 12 (5-19) to 8 (4-12) (P = 0.010). The esophageal acid exposure time (AET) significantly decreased from 4.6 (2.8-6.9) to 2.1 (1.1-5.6) (P = 0.013), and the number of acid refluxes and DeMeester score were significantly reduced. Three patients (13%) had increased AET (3.4% to 6.1%, 6.3% to 15.4%, and 3.2% to 5.6%); however, all reported global improvement and two patients could discontinue PPI subjectively. One patient (4.3%) had worsened erosive esophagitis and reflux symptoms. 56.5% of patients stopped PPI.
Conclusions: ARMI is generally effective and safe in PPI-dependent patients. However, possible negative effects of ARMI exist in some patients; further application of MII-pH is necessitated to evaluate the treatment response after ARMI and avoid the detrimental effect of PPI discontinuation. Graph.
Keywords: Anti-reflux mucosal ablation; Anti-reflux mucosal intervention; Anti-reflux mucosectomy; Gastroesophageal reflux disease; Proton-pump inhibitor.
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