Introduction: Neuropathic pain is a common complication of spinal cord injury (SCI), and is notoriously difficult to adequately treat. Gunshot wounds (GSW) near the spinal cord may cause intractable chronic pain through spinal/nerve root transection, or reactive tissue formation resulting in nerve root compression from retained bullet fragments (RBF).
Case presentation: This case report describes a 30-year-old man with a T12 AIS B incomplete spinal cord injury with paraplegia secondary to multiple GSW who presented with severe bilateral lower extremity dysesthesias and muscle spasms. Symptoms failed to improve with oral antispasmodic medications. After being diagnosed with Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I secondary to an SCI via GSW, he underwent a spinal cord stimulator (SCS) trial, which improved his symptoms by greater than 80%.
Discussion: Neuropathic pain refractory to conservative treatment may benefit from SCS. Effects of therapy go beyond gate-theory in SCI patients, and may benefit patients at the cellular and molecular level. Our case demonstrates the effectiveness of SCS treatment in a patient who developed CRPS type 1 after GSW resulting in SCI.
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