Use of Infrared Thermal Imaging for Assessing Acute Inflammatory Changes: A Case Series

Cureus. 2022 Sep 9;14(9):e28980. doi: 10.7759/cureus.28980. eCollection 2022 Sep.


Infrared thermal imaging is a non-contact imaging modality that captures the heat emitted by the human body. Thermal regulation or heat load to the different body parts is mainly regulated via blood supply, which is increased during inflammation. The assessment of the body's level of inflammation with pain, erythema and heat is subjective clinical measurement. Infrared imaging can be an objective tool for identifying and following inflammatory and perfusion changes, thereby helping clinicians locate and document the extent of the inflammation as well as monitor the response to treatment. As an example of this, here, we present three clinical cases where the use of thermography aided the assessment of acute inflammatory changes due to trauma, vasodilation, and allergy.

Keywords: allergy; inflammation; infrared thermal imaging; thermography; trauma; vasodilation.

Publication types

  • Case Reports