High-resolution manometry (HRM) with the Chicago Classification (CC) is the standard paradigm to define esophageal motility disorders. Functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP) panometry utilizes impedance planimetry to characterize esophageal compliance and secondary peristalsis. The aim of this study was to explore the clinical impact of FLIP panometry in addition to HRM. A retrospective chart review was performed on FLIP panometry cases utilizing the 322N catheter. Cases with prior foregut surgeries or botulinum injection within 6 months of FLIP panometry were excluded. EGJ-diameter and distensibility index (DI) and secondary contraction patterns at increasing balloon volumes were recorded. An EGJ-DI of ≥2.8 mm2/mm Hg at 60 mL was considered as a normal EGJ distensibility. CC diagnosis, Eckhardt score, Brief Esophageal Dysphagia Questionnaire, and clinical outcomes were obtained for each FLIP case. A total of 186 cases were included. Absent contractility and achalasia types 1 and 2 showed predominantly absent secondary contraction patterns, while type 3 had a variety of secondary contractile patterns on FLIP panometry. Among 77 cases with EGJ outflow obstruction (EGJOO), 60% had a low EGJ-DI. Among those with no motility disorder or ineffective esophageal motility on HRM, 27% had a low DI and 47% had sustained contractions on FLIP, raising concern for an esophageal dysmotility process along the achalasia and/or spastic spectrum. FLIP panometry often confirmed findings on HRM in achalasia and absent contractility. FLIP panometry is useful in characterizing EGJOO cases. Spastic features on FLIP panometry may raise concern for a motility disorder on the spastic spectrum not captured by HRM. Further studies are needed on FLIP panometry to determine how to proceed with discrepancy with HRM and explore diagnoses beyond the CC.
Keywords: achalasia; esophageal dysmotility; esophageal motility; esophageal motor disorders; esophageal spasm; high-resolution manometry (HRM).
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.