Psychological maltreatment (PM) of children has been difficult to define and even more challenging to operationalize consistently. This fact contributes to child PM being under-recognized and under-addressed by professionals that interact with children with mental health, behavioral, and developmental issues; and by systems such as child welfare, clinical and judicial systems. In this paper, we propose a definition of child PM that is both overarching and operationalized in a manner that will support consistent, fair, and unbiased application in applied contexts. The operationalized definition delineates the nature of caregiver acts that can amount to PM, as well as the level of experienced and potential impact of said act (s) that constitute PM. We detail our rationale for the definition. We discuss the need for field trials to establish the utility of the definition. We explain the necessary training and systems that would be required for the definition to be consistently and accurately applied. We believe that this definition has the potential to substantially enhance systems' abilities to recognize and address child PM, and thereby enhance children's and families' wellbeing.
Keywords: Child abuse; Child maltreatment; Definition; Emotional abuse; Emotional maltreatment; Emotional neglect; Psychological abuse; Psychological maltreatment.
Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Ltd.