Study design: This is an observational cross-sectional study.
Background: To assess dexterity and hand function, it is important to use validated performance-based outcome measures, such as the Jebsen Taylor Hand Function test (JTHFT). There is no previous study that has used this test in asymptomatic individuals to establish normal values for the Brazilian population, or to assess its reliability.
Purpose: The first aim of the study was to provide a standardized illustrated manual of the Brazilian version of the JTHFT. The second aim was to evaluate JTHFT test-retest reliability in asymptomatic adults, and the third aim was to determine normative values.
Methods: This study consists of 236 individuals aged 18-60 years, of both sexes, asymptomatic for pain or injury in the upper limbs. An illustrated manual of instructions was developed in Portuguese, test-retest reliability was assessed by determining the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and to evaluate the average of the correlations between the items, the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used. The standard error of measurements of the test and retest of the JTHFT subtasks was also performed.
Results: The Cronbach Alpha coefficient, resulted in acceptable average values 0.75 for the dominant hand and 0.76 for the nondominant hand. JTHFT subtests reveal moderate to excellent test-retest reliability, varying from 0.53, 95% CI: 0.39-0.64; to 0.93, 95% CI: 0.91-0.95 for the dominant hand, and for the nondominant hand 0.66, 95%: 0.57-0.74; to 0.92, 95% CI: 0.90-0.94.
Conclusion: JTHFT is reliable for a Brazilian sample in terms of test-retest measures and can be used both in research and in clinical practice. A standardized illustrated manual of application was provided.
Keywords: Brazilian; Hand; Jebsen Taylor Hand Function test; Motor dexterity; Reliability.
Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Inc.