Locomotor training (LT) is task-specific repetitive training, with sensorimotor stimulation and intensive exercises that promote neuromuscular reorganization. This study aimed to observe if LT could be initiated safely in the first 3−15 days after surgery in tetraplegic C1−C5 IVDD—Hansen type I dogs. This prospective blinded clinical study was conducted at two rehabilitation centers in Portugal, with 114 grade 1 (MFS/OFS) dogs, divided by the presence of spinal hyperesthesia into the SHG (spinal hyperesthesia group) (n = 74) and the NSHG (non-spinal hyperesthesia group) (n = 40), evaluated in each time point for two weeks according to a neurorehabilitation checklist by three observers for inter-agreement relation. LT was safely applied with 62.3% of the OFS ≥ 11 within 15 days and of these, 32.4% achieved a OFS ≥ 13. There were no new cases of hyperesthesia in the NSHG and from the SHG all recovered. Comparing groups, a significant difference was observed in their ability to achieve ambulatory status (p < 0.001), between the presence of hyperesthesia and days until ambulation (p < 0.006) and in each time point (p < 0.001; R2 = 0.809). Early LT may be a safe treatment to be applied in the first 3 days on these dogs and spinal hyperesthesia should be important to the rehabilitation team. This study should be continued.
Keywords: cervical IVDD; hyperesthesia; locomotor training; neurorehabilitation.