Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Carbon Emission Efficiency in the Yellow River Basin of China: Comparative Analysis of Resource and Non-Resource-Based Cities

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Sep 15;19(18):11625. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191811625.


Comparing the carbon emission efficiency (CEE) of resource and non-resource-based cities in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) can guide their synergistic development and low-carbon transition. This study used the super-efficiency slacks-based measure (super-SBM) model to measure the CEE of cities in the YRB. Kernel density estimation and Theil index decomposition methods were used to explore the spatiotemporal evolutionary patterns, and a panel regression model was established to analyze the influencing factors of CEE. The research results showed that the CEE of the two types of cities have an overall upward trend in time, with a widening regional gap. Resource-based cities mainly displayed the characteristics of decentralized regional agglomeration, while non-resource-based cities mainly showed the characteristics of convergent regional agglomeration. Panel regression results showed that the levels of economic development, indus-trial structure, and population density are significantly positively correlated with CEE in the YRB, while foreign direct investment and resource endowment are significantly negatively correlated with CEE. Except for economic development and industrial structure, there is some variability in the contribution of the remaining influencing factors to the CEE of the resource and non-resource-based cities. The research results suggest developing classification measures for low-carbon transition in the YRB.

Keywords: Yellow River Basin; carbon emission efficiency; non-resource-based cities; resource-based cities; super-efficiency SBM model.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Carbon* / analysis
  • China
  • Cities
  • Economic Development
  • Efficiency
  • Rivers*


  • Carbon

Grants and funding

This study was funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41871121) and the Support Project for Youth Innovation and Science Technology of Shandong Colleges and Universities (Humanities & Social Science), Education Department of Shandong Province (Grant No. 2019RWE014).