Objectives: We aimed to explore how healthy lifestyles and genetic factors influence the risk of Osteoporosis (OP). Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we first performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of estimated bone mineral density (eBMD) and constructed the genetic risk score (GRS) based on the effect of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on eBMD. We then assessed the effect of three-level GRS and adherence to healthy lifestyles on the risk of OP and fracture, respectively. Finally, we assessed the joint effects of GRS and lifestyle on the OP and fracture risk. Results: People with higher GRS have a lower risk of OP and fracture. Negative associations were detected between healthy lifestyle factors and the risk of OP and fracture. Compare with the group with high GRS and favorable lifestyles, the group with low GRS and unfavorable lifestyles had a high Hazard Ratio (HR). Conclusion: The findings suggest that adherence to healthy lifestyles can reduce the risk of OP and fracture in people with different genetic risks.
Keywords: fracture; genetic factors; genetic risk score; healthy lifestyles; osteoporosis.
Copyright © 2022 Yang, Yu, Bo, Lei and Deng.