Objective: Disparities have been observed in the treatment of pain in emergency department patients. However, few studies have evaluated such disparities in emergency medical services (EMS). We describe pain medication administration for trauma indications in an urban EMS system and how it varies with patient demographics.
Methods: We performed a retrospective review of the electronic medical records of adult patients transported for isolated trauma (without accompanying medical complaint) from 1/1/18 to 6/30/2020 by a third service EMS agency in a major United States metropolitan area. We performed descriptive statistics on epidemiology, type of pain medications administered, and pain scores. Kruskall-Wallis and chi-square or Fisher's exact tests were used to compare continuous and categorical variables, respectively. We constructed a logistic regression model to estimate the odds of nontreatment of pain by age, race, sex, transport interval, pain score, and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score for patients with pain scores of at least four on a one to ten scale, the threshold for pain treatment per the EMS protocol.
Results: Of 32,463 EMS patients with traumatic injuries included in the analysis, 40% (12,881/32,463) were African American, 50% (16,284/32,463) were female, the median age was 27 years (IQR 45-64), and the median initial pain score was 5 (IQR 2-8). Fifteen percent (4,989/32,463) received any analgesic. Initial pain scores were significantly higher for African American and female patients. African American patients were less likely to receive analgesia compared to White and Hispanic patients (19% versus 25% and 23%, respectively, p < 0.0001). Adjusting for age, pain score, transport interval, and GCS, African American compared to White, and female compared to male patients were less likely to be treated for pain, OR 1.59 (95% CI 1.47-1.72) and OR 1.20 (95% CI 1.11-1.28), respectively.
Conclusion: Among patients with isolated traumatic injuries treated in a single, urban EMS system, African American and female patients were less likely to receive analgesia than White or male patients. Analgesics were given to a small percentage of patients who were eligible for treatment by protocol, and intravenous opioids were used in the vast majority patients who received treatment.