Noradrenergic afferents to hypothalamic corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) neurons provide a major excitatory drive to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis via α1 adrenoreceptor activation. Noradrenergic afferents are recruited preferentially by somatic, rather than psychological, stress stimuli. Stress-induced glucocorticoids feed back onto the hypothalamus to negatively regulate the HPA axis, providing a critical autoregulatory constraint that prevents glucocorticoid overexposure and neuropathology. Whether negative feedback mechanisms target stress modality-specific HPA activation is not known. Here, we describe a desensitization of the α1 adrenoreceptor activation of the HPA axis following acute stress in male mice that is mediated by rapid glucocorticoid regulation of adrenoreceptor trafficking in CRH neurons. Glucocorticoid-induced α1 receptor trafficking desensitizes the HPA axis to a somatic but not a psychological stressor. Our findings demonstrate a rapid glucocorticoid suppression of adrenergic signaling in CRH neurons that is specific to somatic stress activation, and they reveal a rapid, stress modality-selective glucocorticoid negative feedback mechanism.
Keywords: CP: Neuroscience; CRF; CRH; HPA; alpha1 receptor; corticosteroid; hypothalamus; noradrenaline; noradrenergic; norepinephrine; paraventricular nucleus.
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