Globally, an aging population is increasing, and aging is a natural physiological process and a major risk factor for all age-related diseases. It seriously threatens personal health and imposes a great economic burden. Therefore, there is a growing scientific interest in strategies for well-aging with prevention and treatment of age-related diseases. The seed, root, stem or leaves of Cassia tora Linn. are useful for anti-bacteria, anti-hyperlipidemia and anti-obesity due to its pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant both in vitro and in vivo. Nevertheless, no clinical trials have been attempted so far, therefore here we would like to understand the current preclinical activities for aging-related disease models including cataract, metabolic dysfunction and neurodegeneration, then discuss their preparation for clinical trials and perspectives.
Keywords: Animal model; Cassia tora Linn; antioxidant; disease; preclinical.