Background & aims: Hospitalizations are a sentinel event in cirrhosis; however, the changing demographics in patients with cirrhosis require updated hospitalization prediction models. Periodontitis is a risk factor for liver disease and potentially progression. The aim of this study was to determine factors, including poor oral health, associated with 3-month hospitalizations in a multi-center cohort of outpatients with cirrhosis.
Methods: North American Consortium for Study of End-stage Liver Disease (NACSELD-3), a new study cohort, recruits outpatients with cirrhosis. Cirrhosis details, demographics, minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE), frailty, and comorbid conditions including oral health were collected. All patients were followed for 3 months for nonelective hospitalizations. Multi-variable models were created for this outcome using demographics, cirrhosis details, oral health, MHE, frailty, and comorbid conditions with K-fold internal validation using 25%/75% split.
Results: A total of 442 outpatients (70% men; 37% compensated; Model for End-stage Liver Disease-Sodium, 12; 42% ascites; and 33% prior HE) were included. MHE was found in 70%, frailty in 10%; and both in 8%. In terms of oral health, 15% were edentulous and 10% had prior periodontitis. Regarding 3-month hospitalizations, 14% were admitted for mostly liver-related reasons. These patients were more likely to be decompensated with higher cirrhosis complications, MHE, frailty and periodontitis history. Multi-variable analysis showed prior periodontitis (P = .026), composite MHE + frailty score (P = .0016), ascites (P = .004), prior HE (P = .008), and hydrothorax (P = .004) were associated with admissions using the training and validation subsets.
Conclusions: In a contemporaneous, prospective, multi-center cohort study in outpatients with cirrhosis, poor oral health is significantly associated with 3-month hospitalizations independent of portal hypertensive complications, MHE, and frailty. Potential strategies to reduce hospitalizations should consider oral evaluation in addition to MHE and frailty assessment in practice pathways.
Keywords: Eradicated Hepatitis C; Frailty; Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy; North American Consortium for Study of End-stage Liver Disease; Periodontitis.
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