The analysis of 6153 accidents reported to the insurance company of the French Rhône-Alpes Soccer Association, for the 1980-81 season was undertaken, providing a survey of acute pathology in French soccer accidents and an estimation of the cost of this pathology to French society. Findings from this study include: injuries--ankle sprain is the most common; fractures prevail in the young players pathology; exposure--the average risk is one accident for 20 matches; the highest risk is for the senior category; collisions with opponents is the main cause of accidents; the first 5 minutes of the second half have a peak of accidents; the players exposure is roughly the same whatever their position on the ground; risk--winter should not increase the risk if the matches are played under good conditions; the risk is unevenly distributed according to the level of practice; cost--the cost for France over 1 year was estimated at US$20,000,000 and the total number of sick leave days at 2000 years; games with several accidents are very common in January and for the adult category. Consequently, tightening up the safety measures would be a very good investment.