Compelling experimental evidence links immunity and metabolism. In this perspective, we propose forkhead-box-P3 (FoxP3)+CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells as key metabolic sensors controlling the immunological state in response to their intrinsic capacity to perceive nutritional changes. Treg cell high anabolic state in vivo, residency in metabolically crucial districts, and recirculation between lymphoid and non-lymphoid sites enable them to recognize the metabolic cues and adapt their intracellular metabolism and anti-inflammatory function at the paracrine and systemic levels. As privileged regulators at the interface between neuroendocrine and immune systems, the role of Treg cells in maintaining metabolic homeostasis makes these cells promising targets of therapeutic strategies aimed at restoring organismal homeostasis not only in autoimmune but also metabolic disorders.
Keywords: Treg cells; autoimmunity; immunometabolism; metabolic disease.
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