Objective: Few large-scale studies of pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) have been conducted, and thus demographic data on these conditions are limited. The current study describes comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions in a self-referred cohort of children with PANS/PANDAS, along with treatment history, barriers to treatment, family medical and psychiatric history, and perceived caregiver burden in these conditions. Methods: A total of 441 primary caregivers of patients with infection-triggered PANS/PANDAS under the age of 18 were included in this online anonymous survey, reporting on a total of 490 children (due to some caregivers reporting multiple children in the family with PANS/PANDAS). Data were collected between July 2018 and May 2019. Primary caregivers completed questions pertaining to patient demographics, symptom presentation, disease course, family medical and psychiatric history, and severity of patients' obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms. Results: OCD was the most common psychiatric symptom reported in children at the onset of PANS/PANDAS (83.06%), along with a high percentage of medical and psychiatric comorbidities. Most psychiatric comorbidities began or worsened at the onset of PANS/PANDAS symptoms, while major depressive disorder was the most frequently reported psychiatric disorder to develop after PANS/PANDAS onset (10%). A high frequency of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions was reported in family members, with nearly 30% of mothers endorsing one or more autoimmune conditions (29.95%). Mean caregiver burden (Caregiver Burden Inventory; M = 44.0) fell above the "burnout" level, and standardized measures showed mildly elevated levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in caregivers (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21; M = 11.85, 7.16, and 15.56, respectively). Conclusions: Primary caregivers of children with PANS/PANDAS reported a multitude of medical and psychiatric comorbidities in their children, along with a high frequency of autoimmune and psychiatric conditions in family members. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms were the most frequently reported psychiatric symptom. Caregivers of these patients experience elevated levels of burden, stress, anxiety, and depression. Further research is needed to better understand the varied disease course in PANS/PANDAS and to develop interventions to reduce caregiver burden in these disorders.
Keywords: Tourette's and Tic disorders; obsessive–compulsive disorder; pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome; pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with Streptococcus.