In her own words: a phenomenological analysis of stories told by female service members and veterans after traumatic brain injury

Disabil Rehabil. 2023 Dec;45(24):4086-4093. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2146766. Epub 2022 Nov 18.


Purpose: Given the majority of Service Members and Veterans (SMV) who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are male, the female experience with TBI has not been captured in the general understanding of TBI. To improve understanding of the experience of female SMV after TBI utilizing a qualitative phenomenological approach on stories as told by female SMV.

Materials and methods: Ten female SMV participated in storytelling workshops and created video stories documenting their personal experience with TBI. Workshops were hosted by the VA Palo Alto Health Care System Polytrauma System of Care (VAPAHCS PSC). A grounded thematic analysis was conducted on the video stories.

Results: Three common content themes emerged from all the stories: (1) negative psychological and emotional impacts of TBI, (2) acceptance and healing process associated with recovery, and (3) military contexts. Negative psychological and emotional impacts included intrapersonal impacts such as negative emotions, suicidal ideation, and dealing with cognitive and physical challenges, and interpersonal impacts in relationships and loss of independence. Notably, all the stories acknowledged an acceptance and healing process, characterized by several subthemes including motivational factors, TBI education, spirituality, and advocacy work. Lastly, each story mentioned military context, highlighting the unique experience within this population.

Conclusions: This phenomenological examination adds evidence-based understanding to the experience after TBI among female SMV. Each story uncovered nuanced and multifaceted issues that women experience in their TBI recovery. Our findings provide context to guide future intervention on the care, support, and TBI recovery for the female SMV population.

Keywords: Traumatic brain injury; active duty; female; phenomenological research; qualitative research; stories; thematic analysis; veterans.

Plain language summary

This phenomenological examination adds evidence-based understanding to the experience after traumatic brain injury (TBI) among female active duty servicemembers and veterans.Rehabilitation for female active duty servicemembers and veterans can use an approach of equity-oriented health care that acknowledges that trauma affects physical/emotional health, interpersonal relationships, and ability to access care.Sharing stories in a group setting help to establish personal connection, build trust, and process emotions about their experience with other female storytellers, and can combat isolation in female active duty servicemembers and veterans after TBI.

MeSH terms

  • Brain Injuries, Traumatic* / psychology
  • Female
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Military Personnel*
  • Multiple Trauma*
  • Veterans* / psychology