Introduction and purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of utilizing a 3D prosthetic device with a home exercise program. This case study was intended to see if the application of a home exercise program utilizing a 3D printed prosthetic hand resulted in increased range of motion, strength, coordination, sensory integration, and perceived function of the upper extremity.
Study design: Case Study METHODS: This study outlines one rehabilitation protocol for a 6-year-old boy with right congenital upper limb deficiency. A 4-week home rehabilitation protocol was utilized with a 3D printed prosthetic hand. Pre-assessment measurements were taken of range of motion, strength testing, BOT-2 coordination, and a sensory questionnaire. The home program included ROM exercises, body-powered use of the 3D printed device, strengthening without the device and sensory integration exercises. The frequency of the protocol was 3 times per week for 30 minutes with adult supervision.
Results: Improvements were seen in range of motion, strength, coordination, and sensory integration. Results demonstrated improved right upper extremity strength with all movements except radial deviation. Range of motion improved with passive and active wrist flexion, extension, and forearm pronation. Sensory integration questionnaires showed decreased sensory sensitivities. A structured home exercise program with and without a 3D printed hand improved upper extremity function in this population.
Discussion: Evaluating the outcomes of a home rehabilitation protocol for a child using a 3D printed hand was successful. The studies evidence will help guide treatment and clinical decision making for future studies.
Keywords: 3D printing; Congenital upper limb deficiency; Home exercise program; Pediatrics; Physical therapy intervention; Prosthetics.
Published by Elsevier Inc.