The ability to identify the designer of engineered biological sequences-termed genetic engineering attribution (GEA)-would help ensure due credit for biotechnological innovation, while holding designers accountable to the communities they affect. Here, we present the results of the first Genetic Engineering Attribution Challenge, a public data-science competition to advance GEA techniques. Top-scoring teams dramatically outperformed previous models at identifying the true lab-of-origin of engineered plasmid sequences, including an increase in top-1 and top-10 accuracy of 10 percentage points. A simple ensemble of prizewinning models further increased performance. New metrics, designed to assess a model's ability to confidently exclude candidate labs, also showed major improvements, especially for the ensemble. Most winning teams adopted CNN-based machine-learning approaches; however, one team achieved very high accuracy with an extremely fast neural-network-free approach. Future work, including future competitions, should further explore a wide diversity of approaches for bringing GEA technology into practical use.
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