Investigating the effect of density variation on pitch angle scattering events of runaway electrons as observed through electron cyclotron emission diagnostic at Aditya-upgrade tokamak

Rev Sci Instrum. 2022 Nov 1;93(11):113529. doi: 10.1063/5.0101766.


Nascent observations about the influence of kinetic instabilities on electron cyclotron emission (ECE) from runaway electrons (REs) have been detected and explored at the Aditya-Upgrade (Aditya-U) tokamak. The developed broadband ECE radiometer system offers wideband measurements by integrating several radio frequency units with a fixed intermediate frequency receiver with multiple channels, which is a novel approach to meet the needs of the localized measurements at various toroidal fields and extend the system dynamic range. The low density (ne ≤ 1 × 10-19 m-3) plasma discharges at Aditya-U are consistently accompanied by a 20%-40% increase in the ECE radiometer signal amplitude within 100 µs and sporadic step-like modulations. The Pitch Angle Scattering (PAS) of REs induced by kinetic instabilities is a potential candidate for their occurrence. This steep jump in the radiometer signals was detected due to its high temporal resolution of 10 µs. A "PREDICT" code that employs the relativistic test particle model validates these experimental findings of the radiometer diagnostic for the first time for Aditya-U tokamak. Preliminary observations of the ECE radiometer signals also show that additional gas puffs can be used to vary the trigger timings of such PAS events or even lead to their complete avoidance.