Diagnosis and Treatment Modalities of Cholesteatomas: A Review

Cureus. 2022 Nov 6;14(11):e31153. doi: 10.7759/cureus.31153. eCollection 2022 Nov.


A cholesteatoma is an abnormal, noncancerous skin growth that can appear beneath the eardrum in the center of your ear. Although it might be a congenital condition, frequent middle ear infections are the main culprit. A cholesteatoma frequently appears as a cyst or sac that exfoliates the skin's outer layers. As these dead skin cells build up, the growth can enlarge and penetrate intratemporal tissues, leading to various intracranial and extracranial difficulties that can compromise facial muscles, hearing, and balance. Cholesteatomas were recognized more than three centuries ago. A cholesteatoma can develop into a serious condition if it is not treated right away. Because of its fast development and invasive nature, it can cause several consequences, some of which can be fatal for people without access to advanced medical treatment. There are no effective nonsurgical treatments available right now. It will be necessary to have a thorough awareness of both previous developments and more current ones to develop an appropriate management approach for this condition. The background information on acquired middle ear cholesteatomas is briefly reviewed in this paper. We also take into account categorization-, epidemiology-, histology-, and pathogenesis-related difficulties, and we carefully review current management and diagnosis approaches.

Keywords: acquired cholesteatoma; congenital cholesteatoma; noncancerous cystic lesion; pathogenesis; treatment.

Publication types

  • Review