Three cows received injections of thyroxine (T4; 20 mg/day), four cows GH (40 mg/day) and three cows saline (control; 10 ml/day) on days 5-8 of a 16-day experimental period during peak lactation. Milk yield increased 13% in cows given GH (from 14.6 to 16.5 kg/day) and 15% in cows given T4 (from 15.8 to 18.2 kg/day) but did not change in control cows. Injection of T4 increased milkfat and lactose content but reduced milk protein content. Injection of GH was without effect on milk composition during the injection period but milk protein rose after injections ceased. Injection of T4 increased plasma concentrations of T4 and tri-iodothyronine six- to sevenfold, with maxima occurring on day 9. Injection of GH increased the plasma concentration of GH five- to tenfold 5 h after injection. The plasma concentration of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) was increased in cows given GH in both morning (08.30 h) and afternoon (14.30 h) blood samples, the difference being greatest in afternoon samples in which plasma IGF-I content increased from 3.3 to 6.8 nmol/l. Injection of T4 reduced the plasma concentration of IGF-I in morning samples but the concentration in afternoon samples remained relatively constant throughout the 16-day experimental period. The plasma concentration of IGF-II rose in morning samples in all treatment groups to reach a maximum of 200-250 nmol/l by day 9. The galactopoietic response to injection of GH but not T4 was associated with an increase in plasma concentration of IGF-I. Changes in plasma concentration of IGF-II were not associated with changes in milk yield.