Rationale & objective: Kidney supportive care (KSC) is a developing area in medicine that integrates the expertise of kidney and palliative care practitioners to improve symptoms and quality of life for people with advanced kidney disease. The intersection of the practical aspects of KSC (including care activities and clinical referrals) with palliative and end-of-life care (EOLC) are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to explore kidney disease clinicians' experiences of KSC, palliative care, and EOLC.
Study design: An exploratory qualitative study using semistructured focus groups.
Setting & participants: Kidney disease clinicians (18 physicians, 3 trainees, and 33 kidney disease nurses) from 5 public hospitals were recruited across Victoria, Australia.
Analytical approach: Thematic analysis of focus group transcripts.
Results: The 2 overarching themes highlighted by clinicians were their perception that their health care systems insufficiently addressed the needs of people with advanced kidney disease, as well as their aspirations to develop KSC services to improve health care experiences. Three subthemes were identified related to limitations in health care systems: (1) variation in the clinical scope of KSC, (2) limited integration of palliative care, and (3) experiences of challenging and compromised provision of EOLC. The second theme described aspirations for future KSC services to be more inclusive, seamless, and collaborative across health care providers with capacity to respond to meet changing palliative care needs.
Limitations: Findings may not be transferable to contexts outside of Victoria, Australia; data were collected in 2017-2018 and may not reflect current or future experiences.
Conclusions: Kidney clinicians described systemic challenges and compromises in care experiences and the need for development of KSC services. They expressed that this development would require a consistent and systematic approach that integrates palliative care and embeds KSC as part of kidney health service delivery.
Keywords: Kidney supportive care; advance kidney disease; comprehensive conservative care (CCC); dialysis withdrawal; end-of-life care (EOLC); health services research; palliative care; patient-centered care; qualitative; quality of life (QoL); renal supportive care.
Copyright © 2022 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.