Background: The differences in maternal mortality between developed and developing countries is due to differences in use of antenatal and delivery services. The study was designed to determine the views of women on utilization of antenatal and delivery services in urban and rural communities of Ebonyi state, Nigeria.
Methods: Community based descriptive exploratory study design was employed. Qualitative data was collected through use of pre-tested focus group discussion (FGD) guide. Eight FGDs were conducted among women who were pregnant and others who have delivered babies one year prior to the study. Four FGDs each were conducted in urban and rural communities. QDA Miner Lite v2.0.6 was used in the analysis of the data.
Results: Most of the participants in urban and rural areas prefer the man and woman deciding on where to receive antenatal and deliver care. All the participants in urban and rural communities wish for the support of their husbands when pregnant. Perceived quality of care is the major reason the women choose a facility for antenatal and delivery services. Others reasons included cost of services and proximity to a facility. Participants in rural communities were of the opinion that traditional birth attendants deliver unique services including helping women to achieve conception. For participants in urban, traditional birth attendants are very friendly and perhaps on divine assignment. These reasons explain why women still patronize their services. The major criticism of services of traditional birth attendants is their inability to manage complications associated with pregnancy and delivery. The major reasons why women delivery at home included poverty and cultural beliefs.
Conclusions: All efforts should be made to reduce the huge maternal death burden in Nigeria. This may necessitate the involvement of men and by extension communities in antenatal and delivery matters. There is need to train health workers in orthodox health facilities on delivery of quality healthcare. Public enlightenment on importance of health facility delivery will be of essence. Encouraging women to deliver in health facilities should be prioritized. This may entail the provision of free or subsidized delivery services. The deficiencies of primary health centers especially in rural communities should be addressed.
Keywords: Antenatal care; Delivery; Nigeria; Rural Ebonyi state; Urban; Utilization.
© 2022. The Author(s).