Mesotrione is effective in controlling a wide spectrum of weeds in corn but not registered for postemergence use in sorghum because of crop injury. We screened a sorghum germplasm collection and identified two mesotrione-resistant sorghum genotypes (G-1 and G-10) and one susceptible genotype (S-1) in an in vitro plate assay. A mesotrione dose-response assay under greenhouse and field conditions confirmed that G-1 and G-10 are highly resistant compared to S-1. We found enhanced metabolism of mesotrione in G-1 and G-10 using HPLC assay, and a significant reduction in biomass accumulation was found in G-1 and G-10 plants pretreated with cytochrome P450 (CYP)-inhibitors malathion or piperonyl butoxide, indicating the involvement of CYPs in the metabolism of mesotrione. Genetic analyses using F1 and F2 progenies generated by crossing G-1 and G-10 separately with S-1 revealed that mesotrione resistance in sorghum is controlled by a single dominant gene along with several genes with minor effects.
Keywords: dominant monogenic trait; mesotrione resistance; metabolism.