Egg donation in New Zealand is identity-release, with donor-conceived individuals having the right to access donors' identifying information at the age of 18. It also allows donors and previously unknown recipients to meet prior to donation. Further, donation is altruistic, although reimbursement of costs is possible. In our previous paper we explored the motivations of 21 egg donors in this context and reported that they are motivated to donate as an act of personal gift-giving to recipients who may become known to them through donation, and that they do not want to be compensated for this financially. In this paper, drawing on in-depth interviews, we report on donors' experiences of the donation process and subsequent to donation. Donors understood their donations to be a significant act, both for the recipients and their families, but also for themselves, particularly given the multiple sacrifices which they willingly made. Donors wished for their gift and their role to be valued and acknowledged through being appreciated, informed, involved and supported by recipients and clinics before, during and after their donations. These findings have implications for clinical practice and care, offering insight into how best to support donors prior and subsequent to donation.
Keywords: Egg donation; acknowledgement; altruistic; being valued; identity-release; support.