Spirulina platensis, a well-known blue-green microalga cultivated and consumed in China and United States, is traditionally used as a food supplement and medical ingredient. Increasing evidence has confirmed that the Spirulina platensis polysaccharides (SPPs) are vital and representative pharmacologically active biomacromolecules and exhibit multiple health-promoting activities both in vivo and in vitro, such as those of anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, immunomodulatory, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic, anti-thrombotic, anti-viral, regulation of the gut microbiota properties and other biological activity. The purpose of this review aims to comprehensively and systematically outline the extraction and purification methods, structural features, biological activities, underlying mechanisms, and toxicities of SPPs to support their potential utilization value in pharmaceuticals fields and functional foods. The structural and activities relationship of SPPs is also discussed. Besides, new valuable insights for future research with SPPs have also been proposed in the important areas of structural characterization and pharmacological activities.
Keywords: Bioactivities; Extraction; Polysaccharides; Spirulina platensis; Structural features; Toxicities.
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