The authors of the paper aim to present the foundation of the Department of Pathology at the University of Zagreb. The first years of the Department of Pathology, from 1918 to 1922, will be analysed in the paper. The emphasis is on the construction of the Department and the difficulties encountered at the same time. Also, persons who were crucial for the establishment of the Department of Pathology will be discussed. So far, the literature has mostly stated that the initiator of the Department of Pathology was Sergej Saltykow, a pathologist of Russian descent. Although Saltykow’s role is unquestionable, the aim is to present more persons who have more or less contributed to the establishment of the Department. Thus, more will be said about Vaclav Neumann, Đorđe Joanović, Walter Berlinger and others. Besides, the paper will provide a brief context focusing on the establishment of the School of Medicine and pathology in Zagreb before the foundation of the Department of Pathology. The Pathoanatomic Service of The Public Health Divisions in the City of Zagreb and Ljudevit Jurak, the first head of this institution, should certainly be pointed out. The Pathoanatomic Service played a key role in the development of forensic medicine and pathology in Croatia. In addition to available literature, the paper is based on archival materials found in the School of Medicine University of Zagreb archive.
Autorima rada cilj je prikazati osnutak Zavoda za patologiju Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U radu se analiziraju prve godine Zavoda za patologiju, odnosno razdoblje od 1918. do 1922. Naglasak je na izgradnji Zavoda i poteškoćama na koje se pritom nailazilo. U tekstu će biti govora i o osobama koje su bile ključne za pokretanje Zavoda za patologiju. U literaturi se do sada uglavnom navodilo kako je ključna osoba za pokretanje Zavoda za patologiju bio Sergej Saltykow, patolog ruskog podrijetla. Iako je Saltykowljeva uloga neupitna, cilj je rada prikazati još neke koji su u većoj ili manjoj mjeri pridonijeli osnutku Zavoda. Tako će ovdje više riječi biti o Vaclavu Neumannu, Đorđu Joanoviću, Walteru Berlingeru i drugima. Dan je i kraći kontekst s naglaskom na osnutak Medicinskog fakulteta i patologiju u Zagrebu prije osnutka Zavoda za patologiju. Svakako treba istaknuti Prosekturu javnih zdravstvenih zavoda grada Zagreba i zemaljskog zavoda u Stenjevcu te Ljudevita Juraka kao prvog predstojnika. Prosektura je imala ključnu ulogu za razvoj sudske medicine i patologije u Hrvatskoj. Osim dostupne literature, rad je većim dijelom napisan na temelju arhivske građe koja se pretežno nalazi u arhivu Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Keywords: Department of Pathology; School of Medicine; University of Zagreb; Pathology; Croatia.