Spontaneous extradural hematoma in Sickle cell disease is rare neurological complication with few cases reported in the English literature. We report a case of a 16-year-old male patient who was previously diagnosed with Sickle Cell Beta Thalassemia and presented with severe headache and vomiting for 3 days. An emergency CT scan of the head demonstrated right-sided acute parietal extradural hematoma with mass effect. Patient underwent emergent craniotomy with evacuation of the hematoma. Patient recovered completely. Although calvarial infarction has been associated with extradural hematoma, an absence of it makes our case distinct. A high index of suspicion should be made in SCD patients for possibility of EDH in progressive headache.
Keywords: extradural; hematoma; sickle cell disease; thalassemia.
© 2023 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.