Recovery-oriented daily care practice for community-based mental health service consumers in Japan: A grounded theory approach

Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2023 Jun;32(3):854-865. doi: 10.1111/inm.13128. Epub 2023 Feb 13.


Recovery, which is a non-linear, unique process allowing mental health service consumers to live autonomously, has become a prominent concept. However, adapting recovery-oriented practice to daily care is challenging. We explored recovery-oriented practice among mental health professionals in Japan via semi-structured interviews including nurses, occupational therapists, and psychiatric social workers (17 professionals in total). Data were analysed using grounded theory. Six categories emerged. The core category was 'Continuing to adjust care to meet consumers' needs for their unique lives'. The professionals stated that they practised in accordance with the service consumers' sincere hopes based on an equitable relationship because they believed that this approach would enhance consumers' personal agency, proactive behaviour, and self-choice. Despite negative consequences, the professionals did not view the consumers' choices as 'failures' and instead helped them to find meaning in their experiences. Although the therapeutic relationship tended to be paternalistic, participants described how concrete practices helped build an equitable relationship. In recovery-oriented practice, the provision of support centred on consumer values is important, without imposing own's own values. Care practices should also be aligned with consumers' hopes, needs and goals.

Keywords: community health workers; grounded theory; mental health recovery; mental health services; psychiatric nursing.

MeSH terms

  • Community Health Services
  • Community Mental Health Services*
  • Grounded Theory
  • Humans
  • Japan
  • Mental Disorders* / psychology
  • Mental Disorders* / therapy
  • Mental Health Services*