We developed a method of refining tobacco smoke to deliver sensory components of cigarette smoking while minimizing the delivery of nicotine and other toxic smoke constituents. In the first experiment, smokers rated puffs of their own brands of cigarette, a commercial low tar and nicotine cigarette, and refined smoke. The refined smoke was rated significantly stronger and more desirable than the low tar and nicotine cigarette despite a comparably low nicotine delivery; subjects' own brands were rated best, but in standardized smoking tests delivered over ten times more tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. In the second experiment, subjects smoked five times on each of two mornings; one day they received refined smoke and the other day smoked a low tar and nicotine cigarette. The refined smoke produced significantly more satisfaction, yet delivered far less carbon monoxide and tar (assessed by mouth intake). Nicotine intake was comparable to that of the low tar and nicotine cigarette. Because refined smoke substantially reduced subjects' craving for cigarettes while reducing nicotine intake, it may prove to be a useful short-term adjunct to a smoking cessation program. Additionally, the method may be useful in research analyzing the relative contributions of pharmacologic actions of inhaled smoke and the sensory cues associated with nicotine intake as reinforcers maintaining smoking behavior.