Qualitative Conceptual Content Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Error Inquiries

Vaccines (Basel). 2023 Jan 24;11(2):254. doi: 10.3390/vaccines11020254.


The launch of the COVID-19 vaccination program was the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history, with an unprecedented demand for vaccine and new vaccination providers, warranting significant education and communication efforts. NIP-INFO (nipinfo@cdc.gov) is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) immunization inquiry response service, and it receives inquiries for COVID-19 and routine non-COVID vaccines. A qualitative analysis of NIP-INFO's content was performed to better characterize and understand some of the knowledge gaps and reasons that COVID-19 vaccine administration errors occur. A total of 734 COVID-19 vaccine administration error inquiries were received between January 2021 and April 2022. The most frequent inquiries related to storage (n = 191; 26.0%), incorrect dosage or product (n = 190; 25.9%), unauthorized age group (n = 108; 14.7%), and schedule (n = 105; 14.3%). Training and communication strategies are imperative to ensure proper vaccine administration and build and maintain vaccine confidence.

Keywords: COVID-19 vaccine; errors; inquiries.

Grants and funding

This research received no external funding.