Modeling the public health effects of e-cigarettes requires estimates of the likelihood that different individuals and population subgroups will start using e-cigarettes and subsequently transition to and from combustible cigarette use. To begin to generate input values for modeling efforts, this study assessed adults' behavioral intentions in relation to a disposable e-cigarette, "BIDI® Stick." An online questionnaire assessed intentions to try and use a BIDI® Stick regularly in 11 flavor variants among United States (U.S.) nationally representative samples of adult (21+ years) non-smokers (n = 2284), current smokers (n = 2391), former smokers (n = 2241), and young adult (21-24 years) non-smokers (n = 1140) of combustible cigarettes following exposure to product information and images. Current smokers rated their intentions to use a BIDI® Stick to partially or completely replace cigarettes. Positive intention to try a BIDI® Stick at least once was, for each flavor variant, highest among current smokers (22.4%-28.1%), lower among former smokers (6.0%-9.7%) and non-smokers (3.4%-5.2%), and lowest among never-smokers (1.0%-2.4%). Among current smokers, former smokers, and non-smokers, trial and regular use intentions were lowest among e-cigarette non-users and e-cigarette never-users. Approximately 23.6% of current smokers reported an intention to use a BIDI® Stick in at least one flavor to completely switch from cigarettes and/or to reduce cigarette consumption. Low trial and regular use intentions suggest that U.S. adults who do not currently smoke cigarettes and/or use e-cigarettes are unlikely to initiate use of the BIDI® Stick e-cigarette. Trial and regular use intentions are highest among adults who currently smoke cigarettes and/or use e-cigarettes. A moderate proportion of current smokers may try using a BIDI® Stick e-cigarette as a partial or complete replacement for combustible cigarettes.
Keywords: behavior; e-cigarette; intentions; public health; tobacco.
© 2023 The Authors. Drug Testing and Analysis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.