Background and aims: Growing evidence supports an association between fatty liver disease (FLD) and cardiac dysfunction and remodelling, leading to cardiovascular disease and heart failure. Herein, we investigated the independent contribution of FLD to cardiac dysfunction and remodelling in participants from the UK Biobank with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) data available.
Methods: A total of 18 848 Europeans without chronic viral hepatitis and valvular heart diseases, with liver magnetic resonance imaging and CMR data were included in the analyses. Clinical, laboratory and imaging data were collected using standardized procedures. Multivariable regression models were used to test the association between FLD and CMR endpoints, after adjusting for several cardiometabolic risk factors. Linear regression models with regularization (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator [LASSO], Ridge and Elastic Net) were used to generate predictive models for heart-related endpoints.
Results: FLD was independently associated with higher average heart rate, higher cardiac remodelling (higher eccentricity ratio and lower remodelling index), lower left and right ventricular volumes (end-systolic, end-diastolic and stroke volumes) as well as with lower left and right atrial maximal volumes (p < 0.001). FLD was the strongest positive predictor for average heart rate, followed by age, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Male sex was the strongest positive predictor for eccentricity ratio followed by FLD, age, hypertension and BMI. For LV volumes, FLD was the strongest negative predictor along with age.
Conclusions: FLD is an independent predictor of higher heart rate and early cardiac remodelling associated with reduced ventricular volumes.
Keywords: cardiac magnetic resonance; cardiovascular disease; heart failure; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; sympathetic nervous system.
© 2023 The Authors. Liver International published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.