Molecular Vibrational Polariton Dynamics: What Can Polaritons Do?

Acc Chem Res. 2023 Apr 4;56(7):776-786. doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.2c00796. Epub 2023 Mar 17.


ConspectusWhen molecular vibrational modes strongly couple to virtual states of photonic modes, new molecular vibrational polariton states are formed, along with a large population of dark reservoir modes. The polaritons are much like the bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals when atomic orbitals form molecular bonds, while the dark modes are like nonbonding orbitals. Because the polariton states are half-matter and half-light, whose energy is shifted from the parental states, polaritons are predicted to modify chemistry under thermally activated conditions, leading to an exciting and emerging field known as polariton chemistry that could potentially shift paradigms in chemistry. Despite several published results supporting this concept, the chemical physics and mechanism of polariton chemistry remain elusive. One reason for this challenge is that previous works cannot differentiate polaritons from dark modes. This limitation makes delineating the contributions to chemistry from polaritons and dark states difficult. However, this level of insight is critical for developing a solid mechanism for polariton chemistry to design and predict the outcome of strong coupling with any given reaction. My group addressed the challenge of differentiating the dynamics of polaritons and dark modes by ultrafast two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy. Specifically, (1) we found that polaritons can facilitate intra- and intermolecular vibrational energy transfer, opening a pathway to control vibrational energy flow in liquid-phase molecular systems, and (2) by studying a single-step isomerization event, we verified that indeed polaritons can modify chemical dynamics under strong coupling conditions, but in contrast, the dark modes behave like uncoupled molecules and do not change the dynamics. This finding confirmed the central concept of polariton chemistry: polaritons modify the potential energy landscape of reactions. The result also clarified the role of dark modes, which lays a critical foundation for designing cavities for future polariton chemistry. Aside from using 2D IR spectroscopy to study polariton chemistry, we also used the same technique to develop molecular polaritons into a potential quantum simulation platform. We demonstrated that polaritons have Rabi oscillations, and using a checkerboard cavity design, we showed that polaritons could have large nonlinearity across space. We further used the checkerboard polaritons to simulate coherence transfer and visualize it. A unidirectional coherence transfer was observed, indicating non-Hermitian dynamics. The highlighted efforts in this Account provide a solid understanding of the capability of polaritons for chemistry and quantum information science. I conclude this Account by discussing a few challenges for moving polariton chemistry toward being predictable and making the polariton quantum platform a complement to existing systems.