Recent findings indicate that sleep after trauma compared to sleep loss inhibits intrusive memory development, possibly by promoting adequate memory consolidation and integration. However, the underlying neural mechanisms are still unknown. Here, we examined the neural correlates underlying the effects of sleep on traumatic memory development in 110 healthy participants using a trauma film paradigm and an implicit memory task with fMRI recordings in a between-subjects design. To further facilitate memory integration, we used targeted memory reactivation (TMR) to reactivate traumatic memories during sleep. We found that sleep (i.e., nap) compared to wakefulness reduced the number of intrusive traumatic memories for the experimental trauma groups. TMR during sleep only descriptively reduced the intrusions further. On the level of brain activity, increased activity in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, retrosplenial cortex and precuneus was found in the experimental trauma group compared to the control group after wakefulness. After sleep, on the other hand, these findings could not be found in the experimental trauma groups compared to the control group. Sleep compared to wakefulness increased activity in the cerebellum, fusiform gyrus, inferior temporal lobe, hippocampus, and amygdala during implicit retrieval of trauma memories in the experimental trauma groups. Activity in the hippocampus and the amygdala predicted subsequent intrusions. Results demonstrate the beneficial behavioral and neural effects of sleep after experimental trauma and provide indications for early neural predictor factors. This study has implications for understanding the important role of sleep for personalized treatment and prevention in posttraumatic stress disorder.
Keywords: PTSD; fMRI; sleep; targeted memory reactivation; trauma memory.
© 2023 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.