Muscle power and the associated metabolic changes in muscle were investigated in eight male human subjects who performed four 30-s bouts of maximal isokinetic cycling at 100 rpm, with 4-min recovery intervals. In the first bout peak power and total work were (mean +/- SE) 1,626 +/- 102 W and 20.83 +/- 1.18 kJ, respectively; muscle glycogen decreased by 18.2 mmol/kg wet wt, lactate increased to 28.9 +/- 2.7 mmol/kg, and there were up to 10-fold increases in glycolytic intermediates. External power and work decreased by 20% in both the second and third exercise periods, but no further change occurred in the fourth bout. Muscle glycogen decreased by an additional 14.8 mmol/kg after the second exercise and thereafter remained constant. Muscle adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was reduced by 40% from resting after each exercise period; creatine phosphate (CP) decreased successively to less than 5% of resting; in the recovery periods ATP and CP increased to 76 and 95% of initial resting levels, respectively. Venous plasma glycerol increased linearly to 485% of resting; free fatty acids did not change. Changes in muscle glycogen, lactate, and glycolytic intermediates suggested rate limitation at phosphofructokinase during the first and second exercise periods, and phosphorylase in the third and fourth exercise periods. Despite minimal glycolytic flux in the third and fourth exercise periods, subjects generated 1,000 W peak power and sustained 400 W for 30 s, 60% of the values recorded in the first exercise period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)