Comprehensive outcome analysis in two composite face transplants in Helsinki: Have we succeeded?

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2023 May:80:148-155. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2023.02.023. Epub 2023 Feb 28.


Introduction: There is a need to define what is success after face transplantation (FT). We have previously created a four-component criteria tool to define indications for FT. In this study, we used the same criteria to evaluate the overall outcome of our first two patients after FT.

Patients and methods: Preoperative analysis of our two bimaxillary FT patients was compared to the results at four and six years post-transplantation. The facial deficiency impact was divided into four categories: (1) anatomical regions, (2) facial functions (mimic muscles, sensation, oral functions, speech, breathing, periorbital functions), (3) esthetics, and (4) impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Immunological status and complications were also evaluated.

Results: For both patients, near-normal anatomical restoration of almost all the facial regions (except the periorbital and intraoral regions) was achieved. The majority of the facial function parameters improved in both patients (patient 2 to a near-normal level). The esthetic score improved from severely disfigured to impaired (patient 1) and to near to normal (patient 2). Quality of life was severely lowered prior to FT and improved after FT but was still affected. Neither patient has experienced acute rejection episodes during follow-up.

Conclusions: We conclude that our patients have benefitted from FT, and we have succeeded. Time will reveal whether we have achieved long-term success.

Keywords: Bimaxillary; Complications; Transplantation; Vascular composite allotransplantation (VCA).

MeSH terms

  • Facial Transplantation* / methods
  • Humans
  • Quality of Life
  • Sensation
  • Speech