Nationwide Trends of Modern Endodontic Practices Related to Working Length, Instrumentation, Magnification, and Obturation: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Survey Comparing Endodontic and Non-Endodontic Specialties Practicing Root Canal Treatment in India

J Multidiscip Healthc. 2023 Apr 2:16:865-873. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S397778. eCollection 2023.


Aim: The present study was designed to assess trends in contemporary endodontic practice regarding the techniques and materials used in endodontic therapy among dental practitioners from various regions of India.

Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted amongst dentists who were pursuing postgraduates in endodontics (PG Endo) and other branches (PG-OB), specialists from other branches (MDS-OB) and specialists in endodontics (MDS-Endo) in various dental colleges representing East, West, North, South, and Central zones through an e-survey using Google forms. State-wise postgraduate dental college lists were obtained from the Dental Council of India (DCI) website. Using a multistage cluster random sampling method and considering the unanticipated response rate, emails were sent to 2100. A 29-item close-ended questionnaire, framed according to different aspects of endodontic treatment, was used to record the responses.

Results: When the distribution of the groups of dentists was compared, the central zone had the highest number of PG-OB (44.2%) and the lowest number of MDS-Endo (8.4%). The electronic apex locator (EAL) method of working length determination has been reported less among MDS-Endo than MDS-OB. The difference between the usage of various methods for working length determination was significant among the different groups in all the zones. (p < 0.0001) Most MDS-Endo preferred the rotary method of instrumentation over the combination method for different zones. The majority of dental practitioners preferred a combination method of instrumentation.

Conclusion: Zone-wise comparisons among dentists showed the majority of general dental practitioners preferred the combination method (radiographs and electronic apex locator) for working length determination. Most MDS-Endo preferred the rotary method of instrumentation over the combination method for different zones. All dental practitioners did not so commonly use magnification in all the zones. The single cone technique was the most opted by dental practitioners of all the zones.

Keywords: dental practitioners; endodontic practices; endodontists; survey.

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