Bottle-feeding and gastroesophageal reflux disease improvement after restrictive tethered oral tissues release

Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2023 Mar 28. doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2023.1817. Online ahead of print.


Aim: This study aimed to determine the impact of laser surgical tongue-tie, lip-tie, buccal-tie release on bottle-feeding and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) after functional assessment of tongue and lip movement in a prospective cohort study conducted from June 2019 to June 2020 in a private general dental practice.

Methods: Preoperative, one-week and one-month postoperative surveys were completed, using the Revised Infant Gastroesophageal Reflux Questionnaire (I-GERQ-R). All study participants were bottle-feeding dyads (0-12 weeks of age) with untreated ankyloglossia and/or tethered maxillary/buccal frena.

Results: The study had 40 bottle feeding infants enrolled. Posterior :tongue-tie was noted in 67.5% of this cohort. Statistically significant improvement in I-GERQ-R scores was reported between preoperative (16.6, SD: 6.1; min-max: 8-28), 1 week (14.1, SD: 4.2; min-max: 6-24) and 1 month I-GERQ-R total scores (9.1, SD: 4.5; min-max:3-27) (ANOVA test - P <.001).

Conclusion: This study confirms the need for functional assessment of tongue and lip movement for this significantly affected cohort when surgical release is proposed. Laser surgical release (frenotomy) of tongue-tie, lip-tie, buccal-tie resulted in significant improvement in I-GERQ-R outcomes were found for cohorts of the classically recognised anterior tongue-tie and the less obvious (without functional assessment) and less diagnosed posterior tongue tie were found.

Keywords: Bottle-feeding; ankyloglossia; buccal-tie; gastroesophageal reflux; laser frenotomy; lip-tie; posterior tongue-tie.