The inaugural McMaster Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Summit was held virually in 2021. The objectives of the Summit were to recognize the difficulties in establishing the diagnosis of ITP and to understand gaps in current knowledge of ITP mechanisms that might lead to better diagnostic approaches and treatments. The half-day program consisted of virtual educational sessions targeting clinicians and basic scientists. The planning committee chose 8 topics to review that would cover current knowledge and inform future research priorities. In this report, we summarized the presentations delivered at the 2021 McMaster ITP Summit and the discussions. Based on the information presented at the Summit, the following research priorities were identified: 1) investigation of platelet production as a target for ITP treatments; 2) characterization of antigen processing and antigen presentation on platelets; 3) interaction between megakaryocytes and the immune system; 4) the role for ITP gene panels; 5) the need for better methods for platelet antibody testing; 6) the role of prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis; 7) new treatment strategies, including intensification of initial therapy; and 8) personalized treatment algorithms.
Keywords: bleeding; immune thrombocytopenia; immunology; megakaryocytes; platelet.
© 2023 The Authors.