Objectives: In 2007, the US Institute of Medicine recommended that every emergency department (ED) appoint pediatric emergency care coordinators (PECCs). Despite this recommendation, our national surveys showed that few (17%) US EDs reported at least 1 PECC in 2015. This number increased slightly to 19% in 2016 and 20% in 2017. The current study objectives were to determine the following: percent of US EDs with at least 1 PECC in 2018, factors associated with availability of at least 1 PECC in 2018, and factors associated with addition of at least 1 PECC between 2015 and 2018.
Methods: In 2019, we conducted a survey of all US EDs to characterize emergency care in 2018. Using the National ED Inventory-USA database, we identified 5514 EDs open in 2018. This survey collected availability of at least 1 PECC in 2018. A similar survey was administered in 2016 and identified availability of at least 1 PECC in 2015.
Results: Overall, 4781 (87%) EDs responded to the 2018 survey. Among 4764 EDs with PECC data, 1037 (22%) reported having at least 1 PECC. Three states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island) had PECCs in 100% of EDs. The EDs in the Northeast and with higher visit volumes were more likely to have at least 1 PECC in 2018 (all P < 0.001). Similarly, EDs in the Northeast and with higher visit volumes were more likely to add a PECC between 2015 and 2018 (all P < 0.05).
Conclusions: The availability of PECCs in EDs remains low (22%), with a small increase in national prevalence between 2015 and 2018. Northeast states report a high PECC prevalence, but more work is needed to appoint PECCs in all other regions.
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