The Mediating Effect of Changes in Depression Symptoms on the Relationship between Health-Related Quality of Life and Alcohol Consumption: Findings from a Longitudinal Study among Men Living with HIV in India

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Apr 18;20(8):5567. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20085567.


Heavy alcohol use is negatively affecting antiretroviral therapy adherence, mental health and health-related quality of life among people living with HIV (PLWH). This paper aims to test the mediation model examining whether changes in depression symptoms mediate in the relationship between health-related quality of life and alcohol use among male PLWH who consume alcohol in India. The study is guided by the stress-coping model, which posits that individuals facing stress may turn to maladaptive coping mechanisms such as alcohol use to alleviate their distress, which includes depression and a low health-related quality of life due to various physical, psychological, and social factors associated with the HIV infection. This study used the data from a randomized controlled clinical trial entitled 'Alcohol and ART adherence: Assessment, Intervention, and Modeling in India'. Participants completed surveys assessing demographic characteristics, health-related quality of life, depressive symptoms, and alcohol use. Multiple simple mediation models were investigated to examine whether changes in depression symptoms mediated the association between the changes in health-related quality of life and alcohol use after a 9-month follow-up. A total of 940 male PLWH were recruited and interviewed, with 564 participants in the intervention group and 376 participants in the control group. After a 9-month intervention, the mediation results showed that, among intervention participants, a decrease in depressiove symptoms mediated the relationship between improved health-related quality of life and lower alcohol use. However, among control participants, changes in depressive symptoms did not mediate the relationship between changes in health-related quality of life and alcohol use. The study findings have practical and theoretical implications. From a practical perspective, the results suggest that interventions aimed at simultaneously improving HRQoL and depressive symptoms among male PLWH with alcohol use may help reduce alcohol consumption. Therefore, interventions that address depressive symptoms in addition to improving HRQoL may have an even greater impact on reducing alcohol use among this population. Theoretically, the study supports the use of the stress-coping theory in understanding the association between HRQoL, mental health, and alcohol use among male PLWH, contributing to existing literature on a gap in our understanding of the interactions among these factors among PLWH.

Trial registration: NCT03746457.

Keywords: HIV; alcohol use; depressive symptoms; health-related quality of life.

Publication types

  • Randomized Controlled Trial
  • Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural

MeSH terms

  • Alcohol Drinking / epidemiology
  • Depression / epidemiology
  • Depression / psychology
  • HIV Infections* / epidemiology
  • HIV Infections* / psychology
  • Humans
  • Longitudinal Studies
  • Male
  • Quality of Life* / psychology

Associated data
